Festival of Colors

Travis, Robyn, Mallory and I just got back from Utah. We went to Spanish Fork to the Festival of Colors. I went last year as well, but every time I see that huge Hare Krishna temple, I am amazed. It is literally in the middle of farm lands, nestled up against the mountains.

A rabbai-monk-whatever person in white robes leads a chant on stage while playing the electric guitar. It's pretty funny.

We spent Saturday night in Spanish Fork with my wonderful family! It was so great to see them :)

We stopped at the Burger King in Malad. Travis adores me when I do that with my chicken fries.

Finally back at the car after walking back from the temple

We wanted a before picture, but we kept getting hit with chalk before we got the chance!

Travis got me right in the mouth as I was making fun of Robyn. Chalk tastes nasty...just fyi.

I'm not really sure what this is. ha.

We were standing on a muddy hill and Travis still kept vertical. What a guy!

Us :)

One more thing I would like to add to this post...Travis has decided to grow a "burley" mustache. Not just a mustache...a BURLEY mustache. It's disgusting. I warned him that our love life would go WAY down the drain. But he's determined. I told him that as long as it is shaved off for the wedding, it's ok. Maybe. I'm not very fond of this idea. But it is kinda funny, so I will post pictures later :)

We send our love your way always
Lindsay & Travis


  1. Looks like tons of fun!! You two are so cute. And my Travis keeps saying he wants to grow a full on beard this summer. I am soooo against it. I am not a fan of facial hair. haha. Good luck with the mustache. :)

  2. Hey we have a family farm in Malad :) So cute though! The festival of colors looks like a LOT of fun!!

    And Curtis tries growing this chin strap, I feel the same about it as you do with Travis!


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